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June 1997
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

June 27 , 1997


When Congress passed the welfare reform bill last year, it put a 5 year lifetime limit on benefits for most recipients. Stares are, however, allowed to exempt up to 20% of their caselaods from the time limit if they qualify as "hardship," meaning folks completely unable to work. In addition, the law lets states opt to exempt women if they are on welfare because they are fleeing family violence (this is known as the Family Violence Option). Because of Dept. of Health and Human Services foot-dragging in issuing instructions, states have become confused about the two types of exemptions. Some have not taken the FVO because they thought these cases would count against their 20%, meaning women who are trying to escape family violence could be needlessly denied benefits. Thank Senators Wellstone (D-MN; 202-224-5641; fax 202-224-8438; E-mail), and Murray (D-WA; 202-224-2621; fax 202-224-0238; E-mail), and Domenici (R-NM; 202-224-6621; fax 202-224-7371; E-mail) for shepherding thru a "Sense of Congress" amendment to the budget reconciliation (S.671) clarifying that states can take the Family Violence Option in addition to their 20% hardship exemption. And urge HHS Secretary Donna Shalala to issue strong, unambiguous guidance to the states BY THE JULY 1 DEADLINE at (202) 690-7000 or fax 202-690-7755 (attn: Sarah Kovner). To learn whether your state has opted to cover battered women, call NOW Legal Defense Fund at 202-544-4470.


Thanks to WFF readers and other activists who called, wrote, e-mailed, and faxed, Senate Finance Committee Chairman William Roth (R-DE) has abandoned his plan to force workfare recipients (overwhelmingly women) to work for less than the minimum wage (WFF 6/13/97). Like a movie monster, this one is sure to be ba-a-a-ck before the budget battle is over. We'll keep you posted.


June 20 , 1997


Work on Capitol Hill continues on the budget agreement and reconciliation. The right wing taketh away from women once again, with the Republican proposal to deny tax credits to families with children in day care, while extending them to families who don't use outside day care. The R's proposal calls for a new $500-per-child tax credit for all families with children under 17 EXCEPT those who claim a child care tax credit. For these families, the new credit is reduced by $.50 for every dollar claimed for child care for the middle class, and the poorest working families (most headed by single mothers) would receive NO new tax credit at all. President Clinton has said that this is unacceptable to him, and women must tell their members of Congress it is unacceptable to them as well. Call your Representative AND your Senator at 202-225-3121 (or send e-mail), and FAX the Senate Finance Committee at 202-224-5920 or 202-228-3904.



Next week marks the 25th Anniversary of Title IX, the law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs receiving federal funding (virtually all educational programs). Even though Title IX has greatly expanded athletic opportunities for women, there remains a significant gap with men. Colleges and Universities are required to compile info on comparative participation, budgets, revenues, and coach's salaries, but there is no repository for the data. Sen. Carole Moseley-Braun (D-IL) has introduced the Fair Play Act (S.993) requiring annual reports to be disseminated via a toll-free number at the Dept. of Education, and carried on the Department's web site. Public embarassment is a powerful tool for social change. If taxpayers, high school counselors, girls, and their families know which schools discriminate, they can vote with their feet and tuition dollars to make a difference. Let your Senator know, at 202-225-3121 (or send e-mail), you support S.993 and s/he should too, by signing on as a co-sponsor.


June 13, 1997


If Rep. Clay Shaw (R-FL) and his cronies have their way, women on public assistance won't be entitled to the minimum wage when they enter workfare programs. After President Clinton announced that state workfare jobs must pay minimum wages, they attacked the ruling and declared their intention to create a sub-minimum wage workforce. Saying workfare jobs such as street and building cleaning, park maintenance, filing, library aide are "not true employment" they argued a minimum wage would "hurt self sufficiency". This recommendation to create a truly second-class worker not entitled to job protections or even protection from discrimination or harassment will create a strong incentive to ditch low-wage workers (mostly women) in favor of an even lower-paid group trying to get off welfare. National women's groups are on record as opposing this move, a probable addition to the budget bill as early as next week. Add your voice to theirs by urging your Senator or Representative to resist this punitive and demeaning plan for poor women at 202-225-3121 (or send e-mail).


Thanks to all the activists who wrote, called, e-mailed and contributed money to moving the suffrage statue from the Capitol basement to the rotunda. The marble statue of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony was moved on Mother's Day. The move will be commemorated at a rededication ceremony on June 26. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) has introduced a bill (HR52) to commission a statue of Sojourner Truth to join the other suffragists in the rotunda (out of 197 statues in the Capitol, 5 are of women). Right-wing talk radio has played up the absence of Truth to the point that members of Congress report receiving only negative calls about the move. They need to hear from women who know how important this symbol is particularly those who worked hard to overcome obstacles: Sen. John Warner (202-224-2023; fax 202-224-6295, E-mail) and Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun (202-224-2854; fax: 202-228-1318; E-mail), Rep. Connie Morella (202-225-5341; fax 202-225-1389; E-mail ) and Rep. Cynthia McKinney (202-225-1605; fax 202-226-0691; E-mail ). Thank 'em for finally getting it up and urge support for Hastings' bill.


June 6, 1997


Three bills have been introduced in Congress which will amend the tax code to make it easier for employers to classify workers as "independent contractors" rather than employees. Women and people of color are the most likely workers to be classified. "Independent contractors" don't get benefits, can be paid less than other workers, and do not have the same legal redress for discrimination in the workplace. This trend is bad enough already, without Congress making it easier to exploit women in the workplace. Urge your Senator to oppose the Home Based Business Fairness Act (S.460, Chris Bond (R-MO), and the Independent Contractor Tax Reform Act (S.473, also Bond). House members should be warned off HR 1145, the companion House measure sponsored by James Talent (not!) (R-MO). Reach 'em at 202-224-3121 (or send e-mail).



The AFL-CIO has launched a nationwide survey to ask women what is important to them. (WFF bets not one will answer "Paula Jones" or "Bill Clinton's privates" even though that's all we hear from the media.) The goal is to reach a million working women to see what they want changed about their jobs and for women in general. The results will be unveiled at a national organizing conference Sept. 5-7 in Washington. Make your voice heard by contacting the Working Women's Department at 202-637-5064. Extra copies are available to share wherever women congregate. Techies can answer online at http://www.aflcio.org/women/index.htm



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