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February 1999
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

February 26, 1999


What better way to honor our foremothers than a Presidential gold medal? Two bills have been introduced in the House to do just that. Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI; 202-225-2261, fax 202-225-5730) has introduced H.R. 384, a bill authorizing the President to award a gold medal on behalf of the Congress honoring three-time Olympic champion Wilma Rudolph in recognition of her enduring contributions to humanity and women athletics in the U.S. and the world. A similar bill, H.R. 573, sponsored by Rep. Julia Carson (D-IN; 202-225-4011, fax 202-225-5633; E-mail) seeks the medal to honor Rosa Parks in recognition of her contributions to the Nation. Who in Congress could deny the greatness of these women? Probably no one, but with Black History Month almost gone these bills still haven't been voted on because they lack sufficient cosponsors. Urge your member to sign on and pass this bill before Women's History Month is history at 202-225-3121 (or e-mail your Representative and Senator).


... and the Clinton administration is urging them to think about reform that will help women gain pension coverage. Women are less likely than men to receive a pension because of more frequent job changes and time out of the work force. The White House initiative would allow millions of Americans who work for small firms (the majority of women) to gain access to pension coverage, and to take it with them when they change jobs. The budget talks are already underway. The provisions, submitted with the budget, also offer a three-year tax credit to help small businesses offset the costs of setting up retirement plans. Since women are now starting small businesses in record numbers, the plan helps female entrepreneurs. Urge your member of Congress at 202-224-3121 or (or e-mail your Representative and Senator) to support the White House initiative on pensions and help women retire with dignity.


February 19, 1999


The bi-partisan Congressional Caucus on Women's Issues has chosen its leaders for the 106th session. Co-chairs will be Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY; 202-225-7944; fax 202-225-2709; E-mail), and Rep. Sue Kelly (R-NY; 202-225-5441; fax 202-225-3289; E-mail). Vice-chair is Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA; 202-225-7924; fax 202-225-7926; E-mail). Representative Maloney has been on the cutting edge of women's issues, and is a leader in Congress on the Equal Rights Amendment and on abuses of women in Afghanistan. Kelly has led the charge against insurance companies forcing women to undergo "drive-thru mastectomies" and giving women-owned businesses access to federal contracts. Millender-McDonald convened hearings on sexual harassment at the FAA, leading to an extensive anti-harassment program at the agency. The women's caucus failed to list pay equity (which polls as women's number one concern) among its priorities in the last Congress - let's be sure that does not happen again. Congratulate these women - and ask that they put their priorities on par with the nation's majority.



New York State Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer has formed a reproductive rights division to crack down on abortion clinic violence and to review whether New York women have access to services. The division will be the first to delve into anti-abortion activity on the Internet, and will investigate whether hospital mergers ( WFF 7/25/97) have an impact on reproductive services and abortion. We need more public officials like Spitzer who stand up for women instead of protecting anti-abortion rabids. Give him a thumbs up at fax 212-416-8139. Other jurisdictions who want info on the program can write to the NY Attorney General's Office, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. Telephone 212-416-8050.


February 12, 1999


In a week when Queen Noor was barred from attending her husband's funeral by Muslim tradition, we are all reminded of the way religions worldwide marginalize women. The Islamic fundamentalist Taliban regime in Afghanistan bars girls from going to school, women from working, and females from going out in public without a male relative. When they do go out, they must wear burqa, an oppressive garment that covers the entire body, with a small piece of mesh through which to see and breathe. The Taliban influence has now spread across the Afghan border to Pakistan, where women are being intimidated and threatened. The Islamic fundamentalist government of Sudan has also imposed a Taliban-like dress code on women and will deploy police to insure that it is being observed. Women worldwide must mobilize to oppress this war on women's rights. The Feminist Majority's Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid was given a major push a few weeks ago when Jay and Mavis Leno donated $100,000 to the campaign. You can help by joining the campaign as a co-sponsor (888-93-WOMEN), and wearing the symbol of remembrance - a small swatch of mesh material representing the burqa. The symbol is only $2.00 - half the proceeds go directly to Afghan women, and the other half goes to build the campaign. To learn how you can do more, contact the Feminist Majority at 703-522-2219 or see the Feminist Majority's Stop Gender Apartheid in Afganistan! section on the web.


WFF was greatly distressed this week to learn that marquee WNBA star Nikki McCray agreed to appear in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, on newstands this week. Yeah, we know feminism is about choices. But feminism strives for choices to liberate ourselves from cultural stereotypes and patriarchal expectations -- not choices that send the wrong message to millions of little girls. We think the message they'll get is: no matter how high you jump or how fast you run, at the end of the day your self worth is in how sexy and appealing you are to men. If you think Nikki and other WNBA stars should show off their fine bods on the court and not in soft-porn mags masquerading as "sports" publications, let her know at 202-661-5000; fax 202-661-5113.


February 5, 1999


While the boys on the other side of Capitol Hill were hoping to get a peek up Monica's dress, women in the House were busy introducing legislation that will help women's lives. Rep. Louise Slaughter (R-NY; 202-225-3615; fax 202-225-7822; E-mail) has introduced HR 306, the Genetic Information Non Discrimination in Health Insurance Act. Discovery of a genetic link to breast cancer has caused some insurance companies to require genetic screening in order to deny insurance coverage to women who have the gene. Others declare genetic predisposition a "preexisting condition," and deny coverage on that basis. Slaughter's bill will stop those practices. It has an excellent chance of passage, with 92 co-sponsors. Call your Reps at 202-224-3121 (or e-mail your Representative and Senator) or check www.house.gov/slaughter/ to see if they're on the sponsor list. If they are, thank 'em -- if no, tell them to move for women, against insurance discrimination ASAP.



Plan on coming to Washington for the Women's Equality Summit and Congressional Action Day March 15-16. Sponsored by the National Council of Women's Organizations, it's to educate Congress on legislation that positively affects women's lives. Fair pay, child care, and Social Security reform that's fair to women will top the list. The Council hopes to host women from every Congressional district. Meet members of Congress and leaders of national organizations, and attend a reception for Gloria Steinem celebrating her acquisition of Ms. Magazine. You must be a dues-paying member of one of the 100 national women's groups in the Council (including WFF and almost all major groups such as AAUW, BPW, NCNW, NOW). Call 202-463-0180 for registration forms. Participation and materials are free, and several meals are included, but you must get yourself to Washington.



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