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September 1999
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

September 24, 1999


As Congress struggles to pass appropriations bills by Sept. 30 to keep from shutting down the government, many formerly free-standing bills are being attached as amendments. One is the Hate Crimes Prevention Act (S.622), offered as an amendment to the Senate Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations bill last month. Calls from activists to keep gender protections in the bill (WFF 8/13) have so far been successful, but the provision is under severe attack. Two calls are needed this week: Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA; 202-224-7878) should be thanked for standing by women, and urged to HOLD FIRM on including gender in the definition of hate crimes in the bill. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT; 202-224-5225 or fax 202-224-6331), who is against gender coverage, has claimed he hasn't heard from women, so it must not be a priority for us. Prove him wrong. Today.


The good news is that the "Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1999" (S.265), that would have put the likes of Amex and Visa ahead of women trying to collect child support when husbands declare bankruptcy (WFF 5/7) has been shelved, at least for the time being. The bad news is that it was shelved because Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) had been successful in attaching a minimum wage hike as an amendment. A raise in the minimum wage (now $5.15) by $1 over two years would mostly benefit women, the majority of minimum wage earners. Lawmakers just gave themselves a raise of $4600 per year, to $141,300 (that's equivalent to $70.65 per hour, if they worked a 40-hour week, which they don't). Tell 'em to do for low wage workers what they did for themselves by backing a raise in the minimum at 202-224-3121 (or send E-mail).


September 17, 1999


In the next two weeks, the United Nations Security Council will discuss and vote on a Russian proposal to impose international sanctions on the Taliban thugs in Afghanistan, the most oppressive regime on Earth when it comes to women. The proposed sanctions (blocking property and commercial transactions with the Taliban) are conditioned only on Osama bin Laden and terrorism, and do not include condemnations of gender apartheid as practiced in Afghanistan. To help stop the atrocities against women, the Feminist Majority Foundation urges all women's rights, human rights, and humanitarian organizations to take immediate action. Insist that the U.S. and other members of the Security Council expand the proposed sanctions to include restoration of women's human rights. If this provision is not included and bin Laden should be turned over, the Taliban could continue to deny women basic rights and dignity from now on. Faxes should be sent to President Clinton at 202-456-1414; Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at 202-647-7120 and U.N. Secretary Kofi Annan at 212-963-4879.



As Congress and President Clinton wrangle over the tax cut bill, 15 million older Americans, mostly women, go without prescription drug coverage of any kind. The Prez wants a drug benefit for Medicare, but the powerful pharmaceutical industry is spending $30 million to convince folks it's a bad idea. Commercials behind the banner of "Citizens for Better Medicare," an industry front group, are airing this month. Spokeswoman is "Flo," whose tag line is "I don't want big government in my medicine cabinet." Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) has sponsored S.841, a bill focusing extensively on adding a drug benefit for Medicare instead of making it part of the tax cut debate and debacle. Tell your Senator at 202-224-3121 (or send E-mail) to just say no to Flo and provide this important benefit to older women by supporting S.841 (companion bill in the House is HR1495, sponsored by Rep. Fortney Stark (D-CA).


September 10 , 2000


Congress got to work in earnest this week with appropriations bills for all government spending - bills that must be passed by September 30 to keep the government in operation. No surprise - the Pentagon takes 50% of federal discretionary money, spending $559,170 every minute of every day. Even though the House moved earlier this year to kill the F-22 fighter plane, hawks in the Senate are likely to restore it. They're getting help from the defense industry through expensive ads in publications aimed at Congress. One F-22 ($85 million per copy, and the Air Force wants 341 of them) could fund child care for 500,000 kids, the Women's Educational Equity Act program for 29 years, and the Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) program for 85 years. Urge your member of Congress at 202-225-3121 (or e-mail your Representative and Senator) to permanently ground F-22 and fund programs that people care about. For an excellent resource kit on where your money goes and how you can fight Pentagon Pork, contact Women's Action for New Directions Education Fund at 781-643-6740; www.wand.org; issue hotline 800-444-WAND.


Women in the House have introduced HR 202, a resolution expressing a sense of the House that artwork displayed in the Capitol should represent the contributions of women to society. Currently less than 5% of the artwork depicts women's achievements, and the suffrage mural is over the men's bathroom. Boost women's numbers by calling your Representative at 202-224-3121 (or e-mail your Representative ).



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