By Elizabeth
Zwerling - WeNews correspondent
--With the backing of one
of the nation's largest men's
rights groups, a Los Angeles
man has filed a sex-discrimination
lawsuit against 10 local battered
women's shelters for denying
him a bed.
According to
the complaint, Eldon Ray Blumhorst's
civil rights were violated
when he called each of the
Los Angeles County shelters
last December telling them
he "needed shelter from
domestic violence perpetrated
against him" and none
of the shelters took him in.
Los Angeles County is home
to the state's only shelter
with a men's facility, but
Blumhorst, 42, apparently
did not seek its services.
None of the
shelters being sued--which
offer a variety of services
including counseling and referrals
for women and men--is equipped
to house men overnight. That,
the suit claims, violates
a California government code.
Under the state's
civil-rights code, programs
receiving state funds may
not discriminate on the basis
of sex, said Marc Angelucci,
a lawyer and Los Angeles chapter
president of the New York-based
National Coalition of Free
Men. Angelucci was representing
Blumhorst in this case until
he left his law firm job last
month. Lawyers currently representing
the plaintiff declined to
"We openly
support this case," Angelucci
said, referring to the National
Coalition of Free Men, a non-profit
support and lobbying group.
"If a shelter is funded
by the state, it's illegal
to discriminate against men."
This is the
first case of its kind in
the nation, in which the plaintiff
is suing the shelters rather
than the government source
funding them. But Angelucci
said his group may soon be
involved in two similar suits
in other California counties.
Suit Will
Challenge Other State Laws
The attorney
defending 9 of the 10 shelters
said the suit's discrimination
claim does not take into account
other California laws designed
to protect the most vulnerable
and groups that have been
discriminated against historically,
as well as health and safety
codes. "Women's shelters
receive funding from the state
pursuant to a gender-specific
funding statute," said
Marci Fukuroda, a domestic
violence lawyer for the Los
Angeles-based California Women's
Law Center.
Under the Violence
Against Women Act of 1994,
the California legislature
sets aside money to fund programs
for female and juvenile domestic
violence victims in need of
emergency shelter. Another
California law states that
the anti-discrimination code
cannot be invoked if the result
will adversely impact programs
created to benefit women,
minorities or the elderly,
Fukuroda said.
"Our argument
is that these are lawful programs.
The case has no legal merit,"
said Fukuroda, who hopes a
Los Angeles Superior Court
judge will dismiss the case
at a July 24 hearing.
Even with these
protections, more than 23,000
women are turned away annually
from overcrowded California
shelters, according to a 2001
report by California Department
of Health Services.
But Angelucci's
group argues that it is battered
men who are underserved. The
25-year-old National Coalition
of Free Men--which was instrumental
in getting baby-changing stations
installed in men's airport
restrooms, among other initiatives--contends
that domestic violence against
men is vastly underreported.
According to
the U.S. Department of Justice,
women account for 85 percent
of victims in cases of domestic
violence. And violence by
an intimate partner accounts
for roughly 22 percent of
reported violence against
women, compared to 3 percent
of reported violence against
men, according to the Justice
Department's 2002 statistics.
But Angelucci's
group claims that men actually
account for nearly 40 percent
of victims. "Men are
raised to not go to authorities
when someone, especially a
female, assaults them,"
Angelucci said. "Men
think 'I can take it.'"
Study Finds
Aggression in Women
Martin Fiebert,
a psychology professor at
California State University,
Long Beach, who studies violence
against men, said its rate
may be higher than law enforcement
figures show.
In his 2001
report, "References Examining
Assaults by Women on their
Spouses or Male Partners,"
he reviewed more than 100
international studies on intimate-partner
violence and found that women
are "as physically aggressive
or more aggressive than men
in their relationships with
their spouses or male partners."
His report also found that
women were "more likely
than men to use one or more
acts of physical aggression
and to use such acts more
frequently (though) women
were more likely to be injured."
Linda Berger,
director of the Statewide
California Coalition for Battered
Women, argued that most domestic
violence by women is defensive.
They are usually fighting
back, she said, adding that
the size and strength difference
between men and women should
be noted in discussion about
aggression. "Women can
be violent, we understand,"
she said. "But it's a
different level of violence."
In another recent
report, Michael Kimmel, a
sociologist at State University
of New York at Stony Brook,
finds the suggestion of "gender
symmetry" in domestic
violence dangerous. In his
2001 report, "Male Victims
of Domestic Violence: A Substantive
and Methodological Research
Review," he wrote, "These
empirical studies raise troubling
questions about what we know
to be true of domestic violence--that
it is something that men overwhelmingly
'do' to women and not the
other way around; that domestic
violence is among the leading
causes of serious injury to
women every year; and that
worldwide, men's violence
against women is one of world's
most widespread public health
Fiebert said, domestic violence
against men is not treated
seriously by law enforcement
and it needs to be exposed.
"Men get disbelief, ridicule.
Women get support," he
The argument
that law-enforcement statistics
don't tell the whole story,
however, also holds true for
battered women, only 26 percent
of whom ever report the crime
to police, according to the
Los Angeles Commission on
Assaults Against Women.
Acknowledge Need for Male
The Los Angeles
shelter directors, who said
their limited resources have
already been stretched by
this lawsuit, don't deny a
need for men's shelter services.
"The fact
that we limit ourselves to
women and children is not
to say that it is not a problem
with men," said Ben Schirmer,
executive director of Rainbow
Services in San Pedro, one
of the shelters being sued.
"It's that we have limited
resources and it's all we
can do to try and keep up
with the demand for services
for women and children.
"It's not
clinically appropriate to
house men and women in the
same facility," said
Schirmer, whose shelter, like
the others, house women and
their children in open dormitory-style
Kathie Mathis,
executive director of the
Domestic Violence Center of
Santa Clarita, said one of
the reasons she finds this
suit troubling is that the
shelters do help men with
counseling and referrals to
shelters that can house them,
if needed.
all in a network," she
said. "No one is turned
away; they're just referred."
Mathis, who
took Blumhorst's December
call, said he was not interested
in any such referrals.
Berger of the
Southern California Coalition
said her organization during
the past several years has
offered to help men's groups
set up shelters for battered
men. "We say we would
be happy to provide assistance
in developing programs. They
don't want to hear our message
. . . There's not a willingness
to build, just tear down."
"It's hard
to run a nonprofit in today's
economy," Schirmer said.
"It's easier to sue than
to start a new shelter. But
lawsuits like this that take
us away from our mission do
not help anybody."
Zwerling is an assistant professor
of journalism at the University
of La Verne in Southern California.
For more
National Coalition
of Free Men: -
California Women's
Law Center: -
Southern California
Coalition for Battered Women: