By Susan
Palmquist - WeNews correspondent
assailant kicked in the door
of Bridget Kelly's apartment
in Killeen, Texas, stuck a
gun in her chest and ordered
her to drive to an ATM to
withdraw money. He then drove
her to a field where at gunpoint
he raped her, shot her three
times in her back and left
her for dead. Despite losing
blood and strength, Kelly
managed to stagger to a house
where the owner called for
an ambulance.
Ten months after
her assault, Kelly's assailant
was caught and convicted of
aggravated sexual assault,
attempted murder, kidnapping
and robbery on Aug. 30, 2002.
Six months after the conviction,
in February 2003, Kelly was
telling her story again. But
it wasn't to a jury. It was
to the Texas public at large,
in a series of state-wide
TV and radio ads.
In effort to
increase public awareness
about sexual assault, Kelly
took part with five other
women in "Speak Up. Speak
Out.", produced by the
Texas Association Against
Sexual Assault, a nonprofit
educational and advocacy organization
based in Austin. It is the
first rape-awareness campaign
in Texas to feature real victims
and has been so successful
in encouraging sex-assault
survivors to speak out and
seek help that it is now being
replicated across the country.
According to 1999 data of
the National Crime Victims
Research and Treatment Center,
82 percent of rapes going
unreported nationwide.
Victims to Reach Out
"With personal
stories of courage from brave
survivors of sexual assault,
TAASA's campaign is not only
leading more people than ever
to reach out to the hotline,
but also ensuring they don't
suffer in silence," said
Scott Berkowitz, president
and founder of the Washington-based
Rape, Abuse and Incest National
Network, the nation's largest
anti-sexual-assault organization,
which operates a national
hotline. "In the last
year calls to the national
sexual hotline have increased
by two and half times in Texas
and 23 percent nationwide.
TAASA's work has been critical
to this success."
The Rape, Abuse
and Incest National Network,
which works to prevent sexual
assault and fights to ensure
rapists are brought to justice,
is now using "Speak Up.
Speak Out." as a model
for a national campaign. The
Texas Association Against
Sexual Assault has also been
asked to speak about the campaign
at a congressional briefing
in April conducted by the
National Center for Victims
of Crime, the nation's leading
resource and advocacy organization
for crime victims based in
Washington, D.C. Last April,
the association also made
a presentation about the campaign
to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention in
Annette Burrhus-Clay,
executive director of the
Texas association, says several
states, including New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Virginia and Washington,
have shown interest in using
the campaign, either with
their own state hotline or
the national hotline as contact
information. While other states
have shown interest in replicating
the campaign, tight state
budgets are holding them back.
The College Network, now called
mtvU, a college TV network
owned by MTV and Viacom that
plays in college dorms across
the country, has also expressed
interest in using the campaign.
Victims from
All Ethnic Groups
"The campaign
has shown that survivors come
in all shapes, sizes, colors
and from all ethnic groups,"
Burrhus-Clay said. Other women
in the campaign include Eunice
Ruiz, Lisa Federer, Cathy
Ransom and Gina Cotroneo.
Each of their faces flashes
on the Texas association's
Web site and each of their
stories can be read by clicking
on each of their names.
"I hope
the campaign will also change
the way the media covers rape
stories and that the subject
will no longer be taboo,"
said Kelly. She was also featured
in Glamour magazine, and made
an appearance on ABC's "Good
Morning America" as part
of the campaign.
Up. Speak Out." is funded
by a grant from the office
of the attorney general in
Texas, a state that, according
to 2002 FBI statistics, ranks
second--after California--in
the number of reported rapes.
The generous size of the grant--$2
million for two years--enabled
the Texas Association Against
Sexual Assault to run a paid
advertising campaign in April
and August of 2003 featuring
radio, TV, and print ads in
both English and Spanish.
The campaign continues to
produce posters and brochures.
The campaigns
feature six women telling
their own stories of being
attacked and what happened
to them afterward.
That Others Recognize
of the women were raped by
complete strangers,"
said Burrhus-Clay. "One
is a survivor of incest, one
was sexually assaulted by
a man she knew and one by
her boyfriend. I think their
experiences reach many women
who have faced similar situations."
Kelly, attacked
almost two years ago, came
to the attention of the Texas
association after advocates
there read about her ordeal
in a newspaper. "My father's
a columnist with the Omaha
World-Herald and he wrote
an extensive account of the
rape and shooting for The
Dallas Morning News,"
said Kelly, a first-grade
teacher in Killeen, a small
city in central Texas.
Kelly wanted
to take part in the campaign
to help fight the sense of
social stigma that casts silence
over the topic of rape. "There
is no way anyone is going
to make me feel ashamed of
having been raped," Kelly
said. "I'm so grateful
for the opportunity to participate
in TAASA's public awareness
Her TV spot,
which shows her standing in
the field where she was raped
and shot, was especially powerful.
"We started to get calls
from other survivors about
20 minutes after the segment's
airing," said Burrhus-Clay.
out to College Students
After the start
of the campaign, calls to
the Texas Association Against
Sexual Assault's hotline doubled
in volume during March and
April 2003. The group's Web
site traffic has jumped threefold.
As a result of expanded funding
from the Texas Office of the
Attorney General, the campaign
was also able to reach about
2,000 college students. Several
rape crisis centers around
the state have reported that
survivors have come forward
to seek help citing "Speak
Up. Speak Out." as their
reason for doing so.
As well as radio,
TV, and print advertising,
the campaign has also included
a tour of college campuses
throughout Texas with survivors
sharing their stories with
Maggie Watson,
a sophomore at Southwest Texas
State University in San Marcos
was raped while on vacation
in Padre Island this past
year. Watson didn't tell anyone,
but after returning to school
she confided in a professor,
who had herself been date-raped.
The professor encouraged her
to seek counseling and Watson
began working with Linda Hunter,
a counselor at Hays-Caldwell
Women's Center in San Marcos.
It was Hunter, who knew about
the campaign, who encouraged
Watson to participate in the
campaign's campus tours.
"I enjoyed
speaking at the colleges,
it gave me an opportunity
to share my story with other
people and to reach them directly,"
Watson said. "I had several
people approach me and tell
me they had friends who had
been through the same experience."
Susan Palmquist
is freelance writer based
in Eden Prairie, Minn. She
has written for Minneapolis
St. Paul Magazine, MyBUSINESS
magazine and mainly in the
areas of family, health, and
women's issues.
For more
Texas Association
Against Sexual Assault-- -
Advocates, Survivors "Speak
Up. Speak Out." for Increased
Awareness: - http://www.taasa.org/latest_news/release02242003.php
Rape, Abuse,
and Incest National Network:
- http://www.rainn.org/
National Violence
Against Women Prevention Research
Center: - http://www.vawprevention.org/