By Joe Lauria
- WeNews correspondent
to the United Nations' 48th
conference on the status of
women, which ends Saturday,
have been finding some signs
of progress on the perennial
issues of the rights of women
to education, healthcare and
property ownership. But when
it came to warfare, they made
it clear that there is still
a long way to go.
Anne Marie Makombo,
president of the commission
for women, children and family
of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo's National Assembly,
told the conference's general
debate that Congolese women--ensnared
in a five-year old civil war
that has cost 3 million lives--have
yet to be allowed to participate
in the U.N. international
peace conference on the Great
Lakes region of Africa to
be held in Tanzania this November.
Makombo and
others offered these observations
as part of the meeting's central
task of evaluating the implementation
of U.N. Security Council resolution
1325, a call made four years
ago for governments and the
United Nations to provide
special protection to women
and children in armed conflict.
The resolution also calls
on the U.N. secretary-general
to appoint more women to conflict-prevention
activities and peacekeeping
Asha Rose Migiro,
minister for community development,
gender and children for Tanzania,
said that for centuries women
had been leading peace advocates,
but that they are "excluded
and grossly underrepresented
in formal negotiations for
peace and their involvement
in reconstruction after war
is hardly noticeable."
Peace Builders
Unaware of Resolution
Dee L. Aker,
deputy director of the Joan
B. Kroc Institute for Peace
and Justice at the University
of San Diego, gave perhaps
the most exasperated testimony,
regarding how little was known
about resolution 1325 around
the world.
In a worldwide
e-mail discussion leading
up to the conference, Aker
wrote: "We brought in
four women on the frontlines
of peace building from four
regions of the world; they
had insufficient awareness
of 1325 and little support
in calling upon its tenets."
So far the resolution has
been translated into only
31 languages.
From Afghanistan
to Zimbabwe, the deliberations
produced a disheartening picture
of women and girls still suffering
as special victims of war,
with more girls and women
than ever picking up weapons
to join in blood feuds largely
of men's making.
"The rights
of these girls are under threat
from their own governments,
armed opposition forces and
occasionally by members of
their own communities and
their families," said
Dyan Mazurana, the co-author
of a new study presented at
the conference by the Canadian
rights group Rights and Democracy.
The report found that between
1990 and 2003, girls were
part of government, militia,
paramilitary and armed opposition
forces in 55 countries. They
were mostly recruited by fighting
forces, but some chose to
enlist, the study said.
"For many,
'joining' is a response to
violence against themselves
or their community, a protection
strategy or an opportunity
to meet their basic needs,"
the study said. In 27 countries,
the girls were abducted to
carry out various roles, including
combat in 34 nations, the
study said.
our understanding of the roles
they play to those of captive
'wives,' 'sexual slaves' or
'camp followers' is inaccurate,"
the study said.
45 Resolutions
about War Since 1945
Since 1945,
there have been 45 U.N. resolutions,
treaties and declarations
on the protection of women
in war and increasing their
role in peacemaking. The slow
pace of change on this front
appears to spur a sense of
public disregard toward all
the speeches, panel discussions
and press briefings inside
the labyrinth of U.N. conference
rooms and at nearby meeting
Despite comments
by headliners such as U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
Queen Noor of Jordan, President
George W. Bush's sister Dorothy
"Doro" Bush Koch
and Liz Cheney, the U.S. vice
president's daughter, as part
of the U.S. delegation, there
was scant coverage in the
English-speaking press.
Defenders of
the conference say it provides
a major impulse toward woman-friendly
reforms that spreads out from
New York through national
legislatures, educational
policy and public relations
campaigns around the world.
"This meeting
is aimed at maintaining the
momentum to achieve gender
equality and empowerment of
women, working together with
men," said U.N. Assistant
Secretary-General Angela King,
who is Annan's special adviser
on women's affairs. "It
hopes to promote greater acceptance
of women as full partners
in critical areas such as
peace negotiations and economic
development because without
such acceptance there will
be no true democracy, sustainable
peace and enjoyment of human
But women's
activists say the underlying
change in attitudes needed
to enforce those reforms is
often elusive. "While
more and more laws are being
passed and national action
plans for women's empowerment
are conceived, real implementation
is still lacking in many instances,"
said Noeleen Heyzer, executive
director of the U.N. Development
Fund for Women, or UNIFEM,
one of the organizers of the
More Women
in the World's Parliaments
The meeting
also functions as a chance
for ministers to compare notes
about the condition of women
in their countries and in
that regard the meeting offered
some bright points.
Aldo Mantovani,
Italy's deputy ambassador
to the United Nations, for
instance, said Italian education
reform had helped younger
generations of men to overcome
gender stereotypes about home
life and family care, encouraging
them to share childrearing
and domestic chores.
Valerie Nyirahabineza,
minister of gender and promotion
of the family in Rwanda, told
the conference that her country
had recently adopted laws
allowing girls inheritance
A report on
women serving in the world's
parliaments showed that as
of January 15.2 percent of
all members of both upper
and lower houses around the
world are women, the most
ever, according to the Inter-Parliamentary
Union. Only 14 countries,
however, have reached the
30 percent mark, commonly
accepted as the level at which
women have an impact on a
legislative body.
Aria Seljuki
of Afghanistan reported on
women's active participation
in the drafting of Afghanistan's
new Constitution, which, she
noted, granted equal rights
for women with men under the
law, obliged the state to
provide free education, preventive
health care and medical treatment
and accorded women 25 percent
of the seats in parliament.
Two days later,
however, the conference was
reminded of the gap between
national doctrine and reality
in Afghanistan when The New
York Times published a front-page
report about women burning
themselves to escape the intolerable
conditions of family and tribal
Joe Lauria
covers the United Nations
for the Boston Globe and Independent
Newspapers of South Africa.
For more
United Nations
Commission on the Status of
Women 48th Session: - http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/48sess.htm