By Lakshmy
Parameswaran - WeNews commentator
Editor's Note:
The following is a commentary.
The opinions expressed are
those of the author and not
necessarily the views of Women's
--This month, professional
baseball player Julio Lugo
of the Houston Astros baseball
team was acquitted of all
charges of family-violence
assault for which he was arrested
in April.
Catherine Evans,
assistant district attorney
for Harris County, Texas,
said that Mabely Lugo had
softened her accusations against
her husband by the time she
arrived at the courthouse
for opening statements, saying
that she had exaggerated her
account and he had not intended
to hurt her. At the end of
the trial, press reports say
Catherine Evans sighed in
relief and smiled.
Lugo, who had
been dropped from the Houston
Astros after his arrest made
headlines, seems to have emerged
with his reputation fully
resuscitated. Some jurors
even asked Lugo, now playing
for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays,
for his autograph.
At the time
of the arrest, Mabely Lugo
alleged that her husband smacked
her face and banged her head
on the car window just before
a game. After signing sworn
statements attesting to the
attack, she wound up testifying
that she had exaggerated the
incident and that her husband
did not mean to harm her.
The bump on her forehead was
explained by the defense as
self-inflicted while she was
attempting to "pull away"
from her husband.
Taking the
Blame Can Feel Like Control
Mabely Lugo
may not be a battered wife;
but she has done what many
battered wives do, which is
recant their original story.
Women often take the blame
for a man's violence toward
them. Their reasons may range
from guilt to fear of facing
the future alone. Taking the
blame can also provide them
a certain false sense of control
in a chaotic situation in
which control seems to mainly
belong to the abuser.
"If I am
responsible for this mess,"
the woman might tell herself,
"I can do something to
fix it."
Men who batter
women can be reputable. They
can be good ball players,
carpenters, lawyers and executives.
They can even be good friends
and leaders. This is precisely
why women, inexplicably to
outsiders, stay with them.
The women start thinking that,
since the men have a "good"
reputation, it must be their
fault when they are abusive
at home.
This is not
to say that women don't ever
provoke their men or retaliate
against them. Few women are
angels who suffer in silence.
Mabely Lugo may indeed have
a tendency to exaggerate as
she herself admitted in court.
The fact remains, however,
that when the police arrived,
she was found sitting in her
van crying with a bump and
bruises, while he had gone
inside the stadium to do his
job--play ball. It's an all-too
typical scenario.
In 1996 the
case against then-pro-quarterback
Warren Moon came up for prosecution
in Fort Bend County, Texas.
The Associated Press reported
that Moon allegedly had struck
his wife in the head, choked
her until she had almost lost
consciousness and, later,
when the two of them were
in separate vehicles, pursued
her in a car chase that reached
100 mph. In the much-publicized
trial that followed, Felicia
Moon took the stand. She also
took the blame for starting
the fight. Warren Moon was
acquitted and the couple reportedly
ran into each other's arms
after the verdict was read.
The Moons are
now divorced. The Lugos may
now reconcile, according to
Spousal Privilege
Abolished in 1995
In 1995, Texas
joined other states in abolishing
spousal privilege in cases
involving spousal violence.
This eliminated the right
of victims to refuse to testify
against their abusive spouses.
I was a family-violence counselor
then and I was happy to see
this amendment of the spousal-privilege
statute because it affirmed
family violence as a crime
against the state and removed
the opportunity for perpetrators
and their lawyers to pressure
the victims against testifying.
When a victim asserts herself--by
leaving the perpetrator or
by testifying against him--she
is placing herself in grave
danger. With the new law,
a wife could now testify and
say truthfully that she had
no choice.
While the prosecution
can build a case without the
victim's cooperation, a victim's
testimony adds strength, for
she may be the only witness
to the crime.
"Of the
misdemeanor family violence
cases, only 1 out of 9 or
10 victims testified for the
prosecution in our county
in 2002. The rest either didn't
show or testified for the
defense," says Stuti
Patel, assistant district
attorney for Fort Bend County.
due to the psychological and
emotional pressures involved
in these cases, the prosecution
still takes a risk when a
victim takes the stand. The
accusers often change their
stories, as in the cases of
Lugo and Moon.
The laws may
be strengthened; the accuser
may be compelled to testify
using the spousal-privilege
statute, or she may come forward
on her own. None of this,
however, really mitigates
the psychological or emotional
pressures on the accuser or
guarantees that she will stick
with her original story.
Lakshmy Parameswaran
is a family counselor and
founder and president of Daya
Inc., serving South Asian
survivors of domestic violence
in the Houston area. Her writings
have appeared in such publications
as The Houston Chronicle,
Texas Psychologist and Rediff.com.
For more
Daya Inc.: -
- Helpline: 713-914-1333
Texas Council
on Family Violence: -
National Domestic
Violence Hotline: - 800-799-7223