By Jerome
Socolovsky - WeNews correspondent
--It was largely thanks to
Ana Orantes--to her death
by burning, to be precise--that
gender violence in Spain finally
burst into the public's awareness.
It was 1997
and, at the age of 60, Orantes
mustered the courage to appear
on a TV show and testify to
decades of brutal beatings
by her husband. She had been
unable to get a restraining
order despite dozens of complaints
to the police.
Several days
after the show was aired,
Orantes was dead. Her husband
had beaten her badly, one
last time. Then he doused
her with gasoline and lit
a match.
Now, six years
later, the Spanish parliament
has unanimously passed legislation
that just might have saved
Orantes' life, had it been
in force back then.
The "Order
for the Protection of Victims
of Domestic Violence"
gives battered women the option
of getting a fast-track restraining
order on a violent partner
within a maximum of 72 hours.
Since the law
went into force in late summer,
1,390 women have sought protection
under the order, according
to the Madrid-based Woman's
Institute, a government policy-making
body. Local authorities in
Madrid say that about 20 women
a day apply for the order.
Woman's Institute
director Miriam Tey de Salvador
says the order is part of
a larger package of legal
measures sponsored by the
conservative government of
Prime Minister Jose Maria
Aznar Lopez. The measures
have redefined domestic violence
as a crime rather than a misdemeanor,
allowing tougher penalties
and quicker custody for suspected
Since 1997,
says Tey, the number of shelters
for battered women has increased
from 159 to more than 260
today, and there's been a
doubling of help desks at
police stations and courthouses.
Economic and
job assistance has also been
approved for victims who have
to leave their home "and
this year more than 1,000
women will benefit from this
help," Tey says in an
e-mail response to queries
from Women's eNews.
While women's
groups have welcomed the measures,
some say they are being slighted
by Aznar's administration.
The protection
order, they say, was the boiled-down
result of a much broader initiative
last year by an array of parliamentary
factions urging a Comprehensive
Law on Gender Violence.
Surge in
No one disputes that more
has to be done to combat domestic
violence and the issue is
centered on how much of the
response should be legislated.
The debate has taken on a
particular urgency this year,
however, with a surge in the
number of fatal victims of
domestic violence.
Since January,
74 women have been killed--almost
as many as in all of 2002.
So 2003 is almost
certain to be the deadliest
year for domestic violence
in Spain since the press started
keeping death tallies. That
began after the Orantes' murder
shocked a nation where, during
the 1939-75 dictatorship of
Gen. Francisco Franco, wife-beating
was technically allowed.
"What we're
witnessing is a total system
failure," said Angela
Alemany Rojo, president of
the Themis Association of
Women Jurists, which is based
in Madrid. "The government
and the politicians don't
know how to adopt the right
measures to give victims a
sense of security."
Ana Maria Perez
del Campo Noriega, president
of the Federation of Separated
and Divorced Women, which
runs a nationwide network
of shelters in Madrid, believes
the increased number of victims
is a sign that women are starting
to confront their tormentors.
Unlike Tey,
and many other women's rights
activists who believe the
elevated figures is the result,
at least in part, of more
women reporting violence,
Perez del Campo says aggressors
are lashing back. She likens
it to what happens when slaves
demand freedom.
"When slaves
rebel, the use of violence
to subject and dominate them
increases," she said.
she dismissed the government's
legislative efforts as "a
marketing ploy."
Many of the
advances being made, she said,
are quietly being reversed
via the backdoor with other
legislation such as a proposed
Grandparent's Act. That legislation,
unlike any other in Europe,
according to Perez del Campo,
would enshrine visiting rights
to grandchildren in the civil
In a society
like Spain, where family solidarity
is strong, that would provide
a way for abusive husbands
or fathers to circumvent restraining
orders, she says, because
many grandparents would use
their allotted time to make
grandchildren meet with their
fathers irrespective of any
court injunction or the mother's
"I'm a
grandmother, and I have nothing
against grandparents,"
she said, "but this is
one more tool to be used against
Abused Women
May Be Overcoming Fears
Measures such
as these only add to the shattered
hopes since the Congress of
Deputies, Spain's parliament,
set up a Gender Violence Commission
last fall to study the Comprehensive
Law proposal.
The idea had
been to include wide-ranging
legal measures such as steps
to combat sexual harassment
on the workplace, reduce trafficking
in women and require educational
programs against gender prejudice.
Even the Order
for Protection is weakened
by the lack of enforcement
measures and the 72-hour,
or three-day, required response
time, according to Alemany
of the lawyers association.
days are a long time for a
victim to live with her aggressor,"
she says, adding that her
organization had proposed
adopting the Austrian model
which calls for an immediate
Responding to
such criticism, Woman's Institute
director Tey dismissed the
need for a Comprehensive Law,
saying domestic violence is
a complex problem that can
be fought only in part through
legal action.
Aznar's center-right
government, which has spearheaded
a drive to trim government
spending, also appears to
favor administrative steps
instead of a comprehensive
law out of fear that in some
cases activists could use
the legislation to force the
creation of costly social
Instead, the
government is pushing through
"Plans against Domestic
Violence" so as to tackle
the problem "from all
fronts," such as education
and social work assistance,
the Women's Institute director
Tey insists
that Aznar's government, which
has been in power since 1996,
is the first in Spain to take
such a multifaceted approach.
And the result,
she claims, is that "one
of the greatest achievements
has been that all of Spanish
society has gained awareness
and responded to the problem
of domestic violence, which
has left the private sphere
and been converted into a
public matter condemned by
Tey agrees with some activists
that the increase in cases
of domestic violence "is
a sign that abused women are
overcoming their fears."
Socially Accepted
But in a recent
echo of the Orantes case,
a judge in Barcelona is being
investigated for ignoring
13 complaints from Ana Maria
Fabregas before she was hammered
to death by her husband.
Alemany believes
the persistence of such cases
proves that there is still
much work to do in raising
awareness, particularly in
the legal profession. Because,
she says, even when courts
have had tools against gender
violence, often they are used
in minimal fashion or not
at all.
She noted other
recent rulings in which a
13-year-old girl's sexual
experience was a mitigating
factor in the conviction of
the rapist, who was a police
officer. Another ruling by
the all-male Supreme Court
cited drunkenness by a sexual
assailant as a reason for
"The judges
are a reflection of the society
we live in," said Alemany.
"And we are still faced
with a society that considers
this a private problem, and
not a crime" to be dealt
with by society.
Jerome Socolovsky
is a journalist based in Madrid.
For more
Themis: Asociacion
de Mujeres Juristas (In Spanish,
Castellano and French):
Federacion de
Asociaciones de Mujeres Separadas
y Divorciadas
(In Spanish):
Ministerio de
Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales--Instituto
de la Mujer
(In Spanish):