Update on the International Violence Against Women Act campaign
On April 28, 2007, AIUSA sent over 250 activists to Capitol Hill and had 100 visits with their Senators and Representatives seeking cosponsorship of I-VAWA in the Senate and introduction of I-VAWA in the House. On April 29, 2008, 3 more Republican Senators agreed to cosponsor: Collins and Snowe (R-ME) and Dominici (R-NM), and I-VAWA was introduced in the House by Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA). If you are in a House Republican District, please visit www.amnestyusa.org/ivawa to invite your Representative to cosponsor I-VAWA.
Update on Maze of Injustice campaign
The Indian Health service (IHS) is the principle and in some areas sole provider, of health services for Native American and Alaska Native people. Despite its prevalence, IHS continues to lack consistent protocols and resources for treating sexual assault survivors. Join AIUSA in helping to break down the barriers for Indigenous women overcoming crisis. Visit www.amnestyusa.org/maze and take action. ***For more information on this and other actions in AIUSA's SVAW campaign, visit amnestyusa.org/women
Amnesty International USA is the US section of AI - the international worldwide human rights organization with 1.8 million members in 100 countries. AIUSA has over 350,000 members organized into professional networks, and student and community chapters. You can find out which of our administrative regions you live in and contact our offices if you wish to join a local chapter visit www.amnestyusa.org. You can join the SVAW campaign, get our monthly women�s human rights online bulletin and join the Women's Human Rights Action Network by visiting www.amnestyusa.org/women. We look forward to working with you.
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