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Feminist.com in the News

Latest newsletter: Read Our Latest Newsletter - March 2025 and Sign up to be on our e-mail list.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?: New Special Section — February 2025 Since taking office, the Trump administration has taken swift action to roll back many of the hard-fought rights women and marginalized groups have won. In response to these attacks, feminist leaders share insights, encouragement, and calls to action on how we can mobilize and continue pushing for progress.

Special Feature! Envision Equality: The Envision Equality project hopes to amplify visions and catalyze action to create a gender-just future. We reached out to a diverse and esteemed set of activists, visionaries, policy makers, academics, and other thought leaders cutting across sectors and industries to share their insights and calls to action through a series of articles in Forbes.com and a digital campaign around #EnvisionEquality. We believe that we can t be what we don t ENVISION. We hope you ll share your vision with us. Learn more.

Special Feature COVID Gendered: An online platform and newsletter aggregating articles and resources about how this crisis is affecting women and girls around the world.

We are building a new Feminist.com and we need your help! Learn More.

Now's Our Chance: After a Tumultuous 2020, Women Leaders Share 8 Ways to Rebuild a Better World by Marianne Schnall


WOMEN & MEN AS ALLIES: WHAT NOW?/NOW WHAT? - THE "ALLIES AGENDA" AFTER THE ELECTION (Feminist.com & The Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities)
Our third event in our Women & Men as Allies series was a conversation about how women and men can be allies as we face four uncertain, unstable, and unsettling years and how can as women and men, work together to hold on to the gains we ve made and promote a gender equality agenda. View our highlights section for video from the event, pictures and other features and stay tuned for news about upcoming events!

Amy Poehler on Feminism (Video) Amy Poehler talks with Feminist.com founder Marianne Schnall

Feminist.com's 20th Anniversary Conference!
On December 2nd, 2015, Feminist.com celebrated its 20th birthday with a one-day conference featuring a range of exciting speakers, guests and performers. Find out more on our 20th Anniversary Event page. You can also view a Facebook Album of Pictures from the event and a selection of Videos of the panels and performances from the event.

Books from Feminist.com

Woman President What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? Conversations About Women, Leadership, and Power was written by Feminist.com founder and executive director Marianne Schnall. A portion of the proceeds will go to Feminist.com's Women & Leadership Initiative to continue the conversation and community around women's leadership.

View our new "What Will It Take" special section for information about the book, additional content and interviews, and a number of exciting related events and programs.

daring to be ourselvesMarianne's other book based on her interviews is Daring to Be Ourselves: Influential Women Share Insights on Courage, Happiness and Finding Your Own Voice. Here is an excerpt: Finding Your Own Voice: Insightful Quotes from Uncommon Women

Amy Richards at MAKERS
See great videos of Feminist.com Co-Founder and Ask Amy columnist Amy Richards - and so many others from the Feminist.com community - at the MAKERS site.

What's Possible: Omega Women's Leadership Center
We are proud to partner once again with Omega Institute and celebrate the launch of the Omega Women's Leadership Center. Check out Marianne's What's Possible interview series (an ongoing series featuring interviews so far with Eve Ensler, Elizabeth Lesser, Anna Deavere Smith, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Sally Field and Joan Halifax Roshi).

Marianne Schnall, Gavin Newsom, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Amanda de Cadenet

Men & Women as Allies
Feminist.com held our FemSalon on Men & Women as Allies, hosted by Abigail Disney and in partnership with Michael Kimmel and the Center for the Study of Men & Masculinities. It featured a panel moderated by Michael Kimmel and Marianne Schnall with Chloe Angyal, Abigail Disney, Carlos Andr s G mez, Don McPherson, Esta Soler, and Niobe Way. A highlights video is featured here and a photo album from the event is up on Facebook -- and other news about this initiative are coming soon!

On October 7th, 2015 we had our 2nd event in this series: Women & Men as Allies: At Work and At Home: A conversation about how women and men can be allies in the efforts to balance work and family. The event featured a panel discussion with Jessica Bennett, Simon Isaacs, Alicia Jay and Josh Levs moderated by Marianne Schnall and Michael Kimmel. Supported by the Woodcock Foundation. See an album of pictures from this event. Stay tuned for news about our next event and more about this initiative coming soon!

Feminist.com's FemSalon Series

Feminist.com is proud to announce our FemSalon Series spotlighting timely themes, featuring dynamic speakers, and serving as fundraisers to support the work of Feminist.com. Our first salon in Spring 2012 on The State of Feminism, hosted by Gloria Steinem, featured feminist thought leaders, activists and media makers like Carol Gilligan, Devaki Jain, Kathy LeMay, Pat Mitchell, and Kathy Najimy, among others.

Our second salon on Women & Money: Re-imagining Economics, featured a thought-provoking presentation by Jennifer Buffet of NoVo Foundation and Kathy LeMay of Raising Change.

Our third salon was on Women & Peace: Transforming Conflict (in partnership with Peace is Loud) featuring Abigail Disney, Madeleine Rees, Jody Williams, Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, Lydia Alpizar Duran, and Shinkai Karokhail.

See our online FemSalon Series section featuring photos, video, a list of attendees and other resources and information - and announcements about upcoming salons!

Our Inner Lives
On May 16, 2013, we celebrated our fourth FemSalon: Our Inner Lives: Spirit, Faith and Action - featuring groundbreaking discussion, music and celebration of multifaith diversity with such phenomenal women as Marianne Williamson, India Arie, Sister Joan Chittister, Elizabeth Lesser, Maria Ebrahimji, Rabbi Jill Hammer, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Chung Hyun Kyung, and Rev. Jacqui Lewis! The event was a fundraiser for Feminist.com and Feminist.com's initiative Our Inner Lives. For more information on the Our Inner Lives FemSalon, click here.

Videos from the event were recently made available, including event hightlights and a multi-faith panel discusssion, talks from Marianne Williamson and Sister Joan Chittister, and two performance videos from India.Arie.

What Will It Take To Make a Woman President? Book Launch, Events and Initiative

Marie Wilson, Joy Behar, Pat Mitchell, Don McPherson,
Elizabeth Lesser, Julie Zeilinger

We have recently celebrated with friends and supporters at two launch events of Feminist.com founder Marianne Schnall's new book, What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? featuring Marianne and book contributors: Our New York launch, featuring a panel with Marie Wilson, Joy Behar, Don McPherson, Elizabeth Lesser and Julie Zeilinger moderated by Pat Mitchell (see an album of pictures - video coming soon!) and our San Francisco launch event in partnership with The Representation Project and The Conversation featuring a panel discussion with Marianne, California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, documentary filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and Amanda de Cadenet, host of "The Conversation" (see highlights video and pictures). Exciting details about a companion web site and initiative - as well as more events featuring book contributors - coming soon! Check out our special section for more resources and announcements, the full collection of photos and videos, and to stay updated and for more details.

Young Voices: A Gathering of Minds around the State of Girlhood
On June 24th, Feminist.com, in partnership with Carol Gilligan and the Eileen Fisher Community Foundation and other partners and allies, convened a one day gathering in New York City of approximately 50 leaders in the area of youth and gender development, to harness the collective knowledge and experience of thought leaders, writers, activists and others focused on how we can best share practices in uplifting young voices, particularly those of girls. Stay tuned for more details about this event and our evolving "Young Voices" initiative.

Update! See an album of pictures from this event and watch the "Young Voices" Highlight Video .

We are Linked Not Ranked Bracelets
Created by Gloria, Benefiting Feminist.com! Gloria Steinem, feminist activist and writer, and our longtime supporter, designed the We Are Linked Not Ranked bracelet. In honor of Feminist.com's 25 year anniversary this year, we are happy to announce Gloria's bracelets are back in production! Buy your bracelet at the We Are Linked Not Ranked online store.

15 years of Feminist.com

Click here for pictures, video, transcripts of Gloria Steinem and Eve Ensler's
speeches and other special features from Feminist.com's 15 Year Anniversary event!

Latest Column Updates

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: Men and Sexual Assault in the Age of Trump By Rob Okun

V-Day: Until the Violence Stops: SAVE THE DATE: February 7 in NYC, Join Us For An Artistic Uprising

The Other Side of the Speculum: A Scrambled Egg by Amy Novatt, M.D.

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: How Can We Help Women? By Helping Men By Michael Kimmel

MoneyZen: Do You Need a Financial Planner or an Investment Manager? by Manisha Thakor

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: Reports of Feminism's Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated by Rob Okun

Women's Global Voices: Defusing the Maternal Health Bomb by Jensine Larsen, World Pulse

The Spiritual Adventure: Bozos on the Bus by Elizabeth Lesser

Nobel Women's Initiative: Announcing Moving Beyond Militarism & War: An International Conference!

MoneyZen: Reveal Your Worth: Meggan Watterson on Women, Spirituality, and Money by Manisha Thakor

Navigating Second Adulthood: You Gotta Have Girlfriends - Excerpt by Suzanne Braun Levine

V-Day: Until the Violence Stops: V-Day's One Billion Rising is Biggest Global Action Ever To End Violence Against Women and Girls

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: MenRISE: Watch the "Man Prayer" (Video) by V-Day

Spirit Junkie: How to Live a Miraculous Life by Gabrielle Bernstein

Pat Connects: TEDxWomen: Third Time's the Charm by Pat Mitchell

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: Dr. Mukwege, Godfather of V-Men, Puts Out a Call to Men by V-Day

Fierce, Faithful and Free: On Suffering by Linda Kay Klein

V-Day: Until the Violence Stops: Dear Mr. Akin, I Want You to Imagine... by Eve Ensler

Pat Connects: Let's Demand More Instead of Trying to Have It All by Pat Mitchell

Inner Actions: The Sort-of-Quick Guide to Boundaries by Blair Glaser

Behind the Stories: Public Radio's 51%: Mothers and Other Strangers by Susan Barnett

REVEAL Your Soul: REVEALers Reclaiming Their Bodies As Sacred by Meggan Watterson, Latham Thomas, Alisa Vitti

Spotlight: Speaking Out Against Global Violence: Stop the minimum age of marriage for girls in Egypt from being reduced to as low as 9 years old by Equality Now

Exploring the Interior: Doing It All by Maggie Lyon Varadhan

Women's Media Center: Women s Media Center Releases New Report on Status of Women in US Media

Real Happiness and Meditation: The 28-Day Meditation Challenge '12: Week 1: Concentration by Sharon Salzberg

Women's Media Center: WMC launches new project: Women Under Siege

I Speak for Myself: Voices of American Muslim Women: Change by Zahra Suratwala

Empowering Women's Health: The Wisdom of Menopause: The Promise of Transformation and Healing by Christiane Northrup, M.D

Mothers & Daughters: On Body Image by Sil & Eliza Reynolds

I Speak for Myself: Voices of American Muslim Women: The Writings on the Wall by Maytha Alhassen

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: Breaking the Silence By Co-founders - A CALL TO MEN

Real Girls, Real Leaders: The BFF 2.0 Tour: Welcome to Your Daughter s Social World Online by Rachel Simmons

Real Happiness and Meditation: Buddha Nature by Sharon Salzberg

Spirit Junkie: Become a Spirit Junkie/11/11/11 Synchronicity by Gabrielle Bernstein

Trouble the Waters, Heal the World: Reflections on Women, Faith and Movement Building by Lisa Anderson, Auburn Theological Seminary

Men's Voices, Men As Allies: Venus and Mars by Mark Matousek

I Speak for Myself: Voices of American Muslim Women: Excerpts and Original Essays from the Contributors to "I Speak for Myself"

Feminist Activism for the College Grrl: V-Day and SAFER Campus Accountability Project

Environmental Challenges and the Power of Women: America's Energy Mix - Clean, Green, and Cheap? by Redwood Mary

"Our Inner Lives" column: Tale of Two Sisters by Rachel P. Goldstein and Najeeba Syeed-Miller

MomsRising.org: "It's Illegal and Unacceptable" by Mary Olivella

The White House Project: The Politics of Motherhood by Marie Wilson

We are always adding new columns from leading thinkers and organizations. For a complete list of all our columns provided by a diverse list of important organizations and thinkers, visit our Columns section.

New Articles & Features

Now's Our Chance: After a Tumultuous 2020, Women Leaders Share 8 Ways to Rebuild a Better World by Marianne Schnall

19 Powerful Women On Why Voting Is So Important by Marianne Schnall

When Black Women Lead, We All Win: 10 Inspiring Leaders Show Us The Way by Marianne Schnall and Tolu Lawrence

These Extraordinary Times Call For Extraordinary Giving : 12 Leaders In Women s Philanthropy Speak Out by Marianne Schnall

Interview With Brittany Packnett Cunningham: On Building Teams, Not Saviors And What It Will Take To Achieve Racial Justice by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Arianna Huffington On New Work-Life Strategies that Boost Resilience and Prioritize Well-Being During COVID and Beyond by Marianne Schnall

When Black Women Lead, We All Win: 10 Inspiring Leaders Show Us The Way by Marianne Schnall and Tolu Lawrence

12 Lessons in Strength and Resilience from Remarkable Women by Marianne Schnall

Insights from Jane Fonda: Now Is the Time to Lay the Groundwork for an Equitable, Renewable Future by Marianne Schnall

COVID Gendered: Ten Prominent Women Spotlight The Need For Women s Leadership During The Pandemic And Beyond by Marianne Schnall

Lessons From a Siege: What I Learned From the Women in Bosnia That Can Help Us Today by Kathy LeMay

COVID Gendered: Putting a Gender Lens on COVID-19: Thought Leaders Weigh In by Marianne Schnall

Interview With Fran Hauser, Startup Investor by Julie Zeilinger

Feminist.com Explainer: VAWA

Interview With Lynn Harris, Founder and Executive Director of GOLD Comedy by Julie Zeilinger

Feminist.com Explainer: 19th Amendment

Feminist.com Explainer: Title IX

Interview With Nadya Okamoto, Founder and Executive Director of PERIOD by Julie Zeilinger

Feminist.com Explainer: The Equal Rights Amendment

Leading the Way: Inspiring Words for Women on How to Live and Lead with Courage, Confidence, and Authenticity (book excerpt) by Marianne Schnall

Parenting for Healthy Manhood By Ted Bunch, Co-founder of A CALL TO MEN

The Rising Activism in Women's Philanthropy by Marianne Schnall

A Girl's Guide to Joining the Resistance: A Feminist Handbook on Fighting for Good (book excerpt) by Emma Gray

On Dreaming and Practice: Donna Lopiano, Defender of Women's Rights for Four Decades by Tuti Scott

5 Lessons I Learned From My Interviews With Maya Angelou by Marianne Schnall

Patriarchy is Contraindicated for Life by Carla Goldstein, JD

Exclusive Insights From Four TEDWomen Speakers by Marianne Schnall

From #MeToo to Men Too: How Men Can Prevent Harassment and Abuse by Marianne Schnall

Op-ed on #MeToo by UN Women Executive Director by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka

Wonder Woman Arrives by Jacki Zehner

CALL TO MEN: Honoring the Next Generation of Manhood by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Sheryl Sandberg Building Resilience, Finding Joy and Kicking The Elephant Out Of The Room by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Tiffany Dufu on How to"Drop the Ball"and Achieve More by Doing Less by Marianne Schnall

Remember the Rainy Day Fund? It's Pouring. by Kathy LeMay

Why We March: 15 Women Leaders Offer Strategies to Advance the Movement by Marianne Schnall

Now is the Time for Radical Self-Care by Tuti Scott

Find Your Confidence and Be Bold - Excerpt from "Wake Up to the Joy of You" by Agapi Stassinopoulos

2016 Had Some Great Breakthroughs for Women in Politics by Jazmin Kay

Gwen Ifill - A Role Model for the Next Generation of Women and Media by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Courtney Martin about The New Better Off: Reinventing the American Dream by Marianne Schnall

Special: An Excerpt from "Marrow: A Love Story" by Elizabeth Lesser

Activist Men React To 'Locker Room Talk' by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Gloria Steinem on Equality, Her New Memoir, and More by Marianne Schnall

Women On The Collaborative Edge: Excerpt from COLLABORATIVE INTELLIGENCE by Dawna Markova and Angie McArthur

Ignore the Exit Signs: Stepping In To Our Power by Elizabeth Solomon

7 Reasons Why 2014 Was a Great Year for Feminism by Jazmin Kay

Amy Poehler on Feminism (Video) Amy Poehler talks with Feminist.com founder Marianne Schnall

Highlights of Feminist.com's FemSalon on "Men & Women as Allies" (Video) featuring Marianne Schnall, Michael Kimmel, Chloe Angyal, Abigail Disney, Carlos Andr s G mez, Don McPherson, Esta Soler, and Niobe Way

Highlights of Feminist.com's FemSalon on "Our Inner Lives: Spirit, Faith & Action" (Video) featuring a multi-faith panel discusssion, talks from Marianne Williamson and Sister Joan Chittister, and two performance videos from India.Arie

Things Maya Told Me: My Favorite Insights and Quotes From My Interviews With Maya Angelou by Marianne Schnall

Grief and Social Change by Kathy LeMay

How can we break America s highest glass ceiling? (video) Highlights of "What Will It Take to Make a Woman President?" DC Event

"Young Voices" Video (video) Highlights of our "Young Voices" Summit: A Gathering of Minds Around the State of Girlhood

Excerpt from We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

College 101: The 3 Biggest Feminist Concerns About The College Experience by Julie Zeilinger

Getting to the Root of the Problem by Niobe Way

Jimmy Carter on His New Book "Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power" by Marianne Schnall

Excerpt from The Goodbye Cookie: A Memoir About Never Giving Up by Marcia Meislin

Celebrating Gloria Steinem's 80th Birthday by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Jane Fonda on Her New Book About "Being a Teen" by Marianne Schnall

Carol Gilligan: On Gender, Democracy, Society by Abigail Pollack

Poverty at 5,120 Feet: A Response to Davos by Kathy LeMay

From "Our Inner Lives" FemSalon: India.Arie (video)

Get Off the Guilt Treadmill: It's Not Your Mamma's World by Marjorie Clifton

Can Mothers Be Traders? by Susan Shaffer Solovay and Jacki Zehner

1-800-GO-INSIDE - An Excerpt from "Unbinding the Heart" by Agapi Stassinopoulos

Influential Women Share Advice on Staying Calm and Centered in Hectic Times by Marianne Schnall

Interview with Eve Ensler: In The Body of the World by Marianne Schnall

What Do You Mean I Can't Be the Pope? (excerpt from My Name Is Jody Williams: A Vermont Girl's Winding Path to the Nobel Peace Prize ) by Jody Williams

Excerpt from "WomanCode" by Alisa Vitti

Highlights of Feminist.com's FemSalon on "Women & Peace: Transforming Conflict" (Video) featuring Abigail Disney, Madeleine Rees, Jody Williams, Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, Lydia Alpizar Duran, and Shinkai Karokhail

Black Girl Lessons: A Tragically Inevitable Rite of Passage by Jamia Wilson

Patrick Stewart Calls on Men to End Violence Against Women by Marianne Schnall

AOL and PBS Announce "MAKERS: Women Who Make America"

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Mammogram... by Blair Glaser

Dance as if Your Life Depends on It by Kathy LeMay

AWID Presents A Selection Of Significant Moments For Women's Rights In 2012 (VIDEO)

Excerpt from Sex and World Peace by Valerie M. Hudson, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, and Chad F. Emmett

Finding Your Worth: Advice from the Cast of Eve Ensler's Emotional Creature by Jazmin Kay

Job vs. Calling (an excerpt from 'The Law of Divine Compensation') by Marianne Williamson

Melinda Gates on Family Planning and Changing the World by Marianne Schnall

Excerpt from "Mama Glow: Your Hip Guide to Your Fabulous Abundant Pregnancy" by Latham Thomas

The Elephant in the Living Room by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner

Excerpt from "Why Have Kids" A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness" by Jessica Valenti

Conversation with Oprah Winfrey About Her School for Girls by Marianne Schnall

Women Moving Millions Marks First 'International Day of the Girl' with Bold Challenge

Anne Frank's Many Sisters by Abigail E. Disney

Waging Feminism the Other Side of Nonviolent Struggle By Stephanie Van Hook

Yes, We Still Need a Women's Movement for the Sake of Everybody by Carla Goldstein

Dance, Mom by Tara Leigh Emnett

Excerpt from "A Little F'd Up: Why Feminism is Not a Dirty Word" by Julie Zeilinger

Teaching Feminism in High School: Moving from Theory to Action by Ileana Jim nez

Excerpt from "Lulu in the Sky: A Daughter of Cambodia Finds Love, Healing, and Double Happiness" by Loung Ung

The White House Report on Women: Three Surprising Insights by Manisha Thakor

Questioning Economic Success Through the Lens of Hunger by Devaki Jain

Conversation with OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network President Sheri Salata by Marianne Schnall

HOW ABOUT - Speech Delivered at Feminist.com's Salon on Feminism by Kathy Najimy

Remember Who's Listening When You Say You Hate Your Body by Joyce T. McFadden

Pink Ribbons For the Whole Woman by Carla Goldstein

Letting Girls Be Girls A Global Campaign by Marianne Schnall

Getting Positive Energy to Go Viral On the Energy Internet by Martha Beck

Why Turning 50 Can Save Your Life by Barbara Hannah Grufferman

Excerpt from "Share This!: How You Will Change the World with Social Networking" by Deanna Zandt

Sheryl Sandberg On Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders

Thank You, Cherie Blair by Cheryl Saban

Shirley Chisholm s Birthday Wish by Glynda C. Carr

Excerpt from "The Generosity Plan: Sharing Your Time, Treasure, and Talent to Shape the World" by Kathy LeMay

Women, War & Peace: War Redefined By Peter Bull

"Race, Sex and Power: Anita Hill 20 Years Later by Glynda C. Carr

Reflections on Anita Hill: 20 Years Later by Amy Richards

Getting Women "Off the Sidelines": A Conversation with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand by Marianne Schnall

Bring in the Women Peacemakers: Are We at a Tipping Point? By Sheherazade Jafari

Interviewing a new kind of leader and, now, a Nobel Prize winner, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf by Pat Mitchell, President & CEO, The Paley Center for Media

Is There a Fourth Wave? Does It Matter? Excerpt from F'em: Goo Goo, Gaga and Some Thoughts on Balls by Jennifer Baumgardner

Let's End Child Marriage in a Generation by Jennifer Buffett, President and Co-Chair of the NoVo Foundation

Excerpt from "Project Rebirth: Survival and the Strength of the Human Spirit from 9/11 Survivors" by Dr. Robin Stern and Courtney E. Martin

The Constant, Crippling Pain Many Women Think They Have to Endure by Lauren Wolfe

Interview with Gloria Steinem: In Her Own Words by Marianne Schnall

Excerpt from "Suits" by Nina Godiwalla

Excerpt from "Manifesto for Young Asian Women" by Shiuan Butler

Feminism in Kenya: A New Narrative by Brooke Elise Axtell



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