Hildegaard of Bingen (1098-1179)
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of Vision
Christian mystic, author, counselor, scientist, philosopher,
visionary…these are just of a few of the roles Blessed Hildegaard
of Bingen embraced in her lifetime. Also known as Saint Hildegaard,
her fellow nuns elected her a magistra in 1136. She founded the monasteries
of Rupertsberg in 1150 and Eibingen in 1165. Hildegaard was one of
the first persons for whom the canonization process was officially
Hildegaard was likely born in 1098 into a family of free nobles.
She noted that from a very young age she experienced visions. Because
of this, it’s believed her parents offered her as a tithe to the
She wrote theological, botanical and medicinal texts, as well as
letters, songs, poems and the first surviving morality play Ordo
Virtutum. There is particular interest in Hildegaard’s music. Between
70 to 80 compositions of hers have survived, one the largest repertoires
among medieval composers. She also wrote three books of visions.