Our Partners
Feminist.com is
thrilled to work in partnership with the following organizations, which
provided valuable support, ideas and content to the Our Inner Lives
Institute for Holistic Studies was founded in 1977,
and is the nation's most trusted source for wellness and personal
growth. As a nonprofit organization, Omega offers diverse and innovative
educational experiences that inspire an integrated approach to
personal and social change. Located on 195 acres in the beautiful
Hudson Valley, Omega welcomes more than 23,000 people to its workshops,
conferences, and retreats in Rhinebeck, New York and at exceptional
locations around the world. The Women's Institute at Omega is dedicated
to: catalyzing women’s leadership by convening, inspiring, and
training women to lead from their own authentic vision; helping
women develop the multiple human intelligences of mind, body, heart,
and spirit, as important assets of effective leadership; building
bridges across differences to stimulate unforeseen alliances, create
new levels of understanding, and strengthen common bonds so that
women can be a more united and powerful force for change.
REVEAL spiritually empowers women to lead from the soul-voice inside them. When women claim the authentic voice of their soul, they are empowered to change themselves and the world around them. Feminine spirituality recognizes the body as sacred, encourages us to go within to connect to the unconditional love and wisdom we each contain, and inspires us to become soul-led agents of change. REVEAL creates transformational events for women to experience the fiery and fierce voices of the next generation of feminine spirituality. REVEAL is an unprecedented chance to come together with other soul-led women of all ages to be inspired to follow the courageous and audacious voice of your soul. www.revealconference.org
Special thanks to Helen LaKelly
Hunt and The Sister Fund for providing the initial seed grant to support
the birth of this new section. The Sister Fund is a private foundation
that believes gender- and social-justice work rooted in religious belief
has the power to heal. The concept that women can transform faith,
and faith can transform feminism, is the inspiration for The Sister
Fund’s funding and programmatic work.