Khadijah bint al-Khuwaylid
(approximately 565-623)
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Khadijah lived on the Arabian peninsula as a successful
merchant, whose caravans to Syria and Yemen were among the largest
and returned to her high profits. One time, she hired a distant relative
to take a caravan on her behalf. A young man of twenty-five years,
his character and competence on the trip won her admiration and eventually
deep affection. Although twice widowed and significantly older than
him, she proposed marriage, and returning her affection he accepted.
His name was Mohammed, and in the years that followed he became the
prophet of Islam.
When he received the first revelation in a cave, it was Khadijah
to whom he stumbled down the mountain. Physically shaking and unable
to comprehend his experience, Mohammed turned to Khadijah, who immediately
recognized the significance of what had happened and encouraged him
to let go of his fears. She was the first to understand the importance
of the revelation and is widely regarded as the first Muslim, who
led many others to believe. Known for her compassion, all her riches
were spent on the poor and in supporting the birth of this new religion.
With her husband, however, she faced persecution because of her beliefs
and actions until her death. Despite the prevalence of polygamy in
war torn Arabia, Prophet Mohammed never took another wife while Khadijah
was alive. She remained his beloved, and to all Muslims she is Ameerat-Quraysh,
Princess of Quraysh, and al-Tahira, the Pure One.