Girls & Young Women
girls & young women
Feminist.com is proud to announce this new, evolving section dedicated
to empowering girls and young women—the future of feminism.

New article:
‘Are We Willing To Listen To Girls’ Stories?’: New Global Collection Uplifts Girls’ Resistance And Activism
by Marianne Schnall

New column:
Real Girls, Real Leaders

by Rachel Simmons and the Girls Leadership Institute

New article:
Eve Ensler’s Mission: Awaken the Girl Self

by Marianne Schnall

Girls' Issues
featured book excerpt:
"Can Teenage Girls Guide Us Toward a New Type of Power?": New Book by Chelsey Goodan Celebrates the Power and Potential of Teenage Girls (Book Excerpt)

See all Girls' Issues articles >

Young Women's Issues
featured story:
From Face to Facebook
by Nadia Tareen
Second installment of the Girls Investigate: Our Views on Media series, a collaboration between the Women's Media Center and Girls Learn International

See all Young Women's Issues articles >

Parenting & Raising Healthy Daughters
featured story:
Why I Hoped for a Boy

Peggy Orenstein
From Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture
See all Parenting articles >

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